Get A FREE Complexion Analysis

Advanced Skin Analysis ($250 VALUE)

Advanced Skin Imaging

Emage Pro 3D Skin Analysis

Dr. Phil – As Seen On “The Doctors!”

Get A Complimentary Complexion Analysis

At no cost to you…

We will provide you with an individualized treatment plan developed just for you.

• Uncovers future problem areas to help recommend preventative procedures

• Provides consistent, comparative analysis – Track treatment effectiveness

Call us today at
(939) 223-5845
to book your appointment.


Emage Pro 3D’s Skin Analysis can benefit everyone, from ages 18 to 80.

Receive an effective assessment of pre-existing damage and future aging allows you to receive a customized aesthetic plan, specifically designed for your unique situation.

Advanced Skin Imaging

Emage Pro 3D’s extensive imaging and analysis capabilities allow you to clearly see a visual representation of the benefits of advanced rejuvenation treatments, plus track progress and outcomes over time.

The Emage Pro…

– Uncovers future problem areas to help recommend preventative procedures
– Provides consistent, comparative analysis – Track treatment effectiveness

Our expert Estheticians will use the Image Pro Skin Analysis to provide you with an objective evaluation of your skin’s health. By providing a comprehensive photo-assessment, this technology allows an individualized treatment plan to be developed just for you. The best in-office and at-home therapies can be established to provide long-term results.

The analysis takes the guesswork out aesthetic treatments, by establishing a detailed look into your complexion. Results from the procedure will show the percentage of existing wrinkles, large pores, sun-damaged skin cells, and age spots; as well as the presence of bacteria on the skin, notorious for causing facial acne. The Skin Complexion Analysis will also provide a valuable glimpse into how your face will age with and without future treatments.

Objective Evaluation of Skin Health

It only takes only a few minutes in the office. The quick procedure is completely pain-free. Using cutting-edge technology, our expert esthetician will use a computerized camera to obtain a clear ‘picture’ of your skin’s health.

The Emage Pro Skin Analysis does more than just illustrate the current condition of the skin; it also acts as a baseline for future evaluation. As time goes by, a repeat analysis can be performed to determine if the skincare regime is making appropriate progress and if any new damage has occurred.

What some of our customers have to say…

I just had my first visit to Vidalife and it was a great experience. The spa was clean and welcoming. The service was beyond relaxing. Will definitely be going back!
I got a great service for my laser treatment. The staff is very friendly, professional and prices are reasonable. I am seeing great results in a very short amount of time. Very satisfied and recommend others to try out Vidalife.

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