No hay lugar como Vidalift para la belleza y la Salud
En Vidalift le proporcionamos los últimos tratamientos antienvejecimiento para el cuidado de la piel y tratamientos estéticos indoloros para el contorno corporal no invasivos entre otros. Experimente resultados duraderos y relacionese con nuestro amable equipo. ¡Disfruta de tu mejor versión!


Muestra tu mejor cara con los tratamientos faciales de Vidalift. Elija entre nuestra variedad de tratamientos faciales efectivos, personalizados y diseñados para equilibrar, renovar y mejorar su brillo natural.

Eliminación del acné

El tratamiento produce oxígeno reactivo que destruye el P. Acné de la forma más eficaz y segura y reduce la formación y aparición de imperfecciones, mientras que los ingredientes antibacterianos activos naturales ayudan a prevenir el cultivo bacteriano.

Facial de limpieza profunda de poros

Our Deep Pore Cleansing Facial treatment is for all skin types. Includes deep cleansing, toning, exfoliation, extractions, masque and moisturizing with our exclusive Vidalife products.

Reducción de los poros agrandados

Viora Enlarged Pores Shrinkage treatment is clinically proven, safe, and comfortable, with no downtime. Shrink your pores so your skin will look smooth and oil-free!


A soothing treatment that and invigorates your skin delivering long-term skin health and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of any skin type. You’ll experience instant, noticeable results with no downtime or irritation. The treatment removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities. A HydraFacial will bathe your new skin with cleansing, hydrating, and moisturizing serums.

Aclaramiento de hiperpigmentación

Smooth skin tone without any Hyperpigmentation! Effective results for even skin tone and hyperpigmentation free skin you ever dream of.


By removing cells from your outermost layer of skin, microdermabrasion causes new cells to regenerate more quickly than they would ordinarily. You’ll have skin that looks firmer, more toned, and more youthful.


Microneedling is a very simple, safe, effective, and minimally invasive therapeutic technique. It was initially introduced for skin rejuvenation, however, now it is being used for a very wide range of indications including acne scar, acne, post-traumatic/burn scar, alopecia, skin rejuvenation, drug delivery, hyperhidrosis, stretch marks, and many more.

Reducción de cicatrices post-acné

A soothing Oxygen Facial will nourish your skin and promote collagen growth. It involves a machine that is used for spraying highly concentrated molecules of oxygen right into the outer layer of your skin (epidermis layer). The oxygen that’s applied to your face and neck is infused with vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients, and botanical extracts.  The process involves a Light treatment, Serum treatment and massage leaving you with smoother and plumper skin.

Reducción de cicatrices post-acné

Viora’s post-acne scars reduction treatments can be applied also for other types of facial scars, such as post-injury or cutting. The treatment delivers controlled tissue trauma to activate the skin’s healing process through the production of new skin cells and the destruction of fibrotic tissue in the scar.

Hidratación de la piel

Hydrate your skin to the level your daily cream cannot reach. The moisturized and refreshed skin you always dreamed of!


Brindamos varios servicios de Tratamientos Corporales y Contorno Corporal que lo ayudarán a lograr sus objetivos físicos y cosméticos. Utilizando tecnología y métodos avanzados, nuestro equipo de técnicos ofrece resultados de alta calidad, así como el nivel de atención que usted merece.

Contorno Corporal

Effective body re-shaping without surgery or pain! For those who seek an alternative to surgical procedures such as liposuction.

Estiramiento de la piel corporal (ReFit)

Smooth and tighten your skin after weight loss! Effective treatment to tighten skin after extreme weight loss.

Reducción de celulitis

Effective non-surgical treatment to reduce Cellulite. Clinically proven cellulite reduction treatments that are safe and pain-free with no downtime.

Corrección labial

Regain a more youthful appearance and firmer sensation. Effective Labial correction with Viora Fusion® treatment.

Reducción de estrías

Diminishing Stretch Marks is an easy task for Viora. An effective treatment to dramatically reducing the appearance of the stretch marks.

Cavitación ultrasónica

Also known as Laser Lipo. A body contouring treatment that is used to break apart fat deposits under your skin.

Aclaramiento vascular

Free your skin from redness or any vascular lesions. Effective treatment of vascular malformations causing Port-wine stains, Spider veins, Rosacea, and more.


Desde manchas de la edad hasta arrugas, contamos con tecnologías no quirúrgicas avanzadas para reducir esos signos no deseados del envejecimiento. ¡Luce y siéntete más joven!

Contorno y Lifting facial

Facial Contouring and Lifting. Redefine your profile. Effective treatment for sagging skin and local fat on the lower face.

Reducción de arrugas peri-orales

A perfectly framed smile, with more youthful lips is just a few treatments away! Effective for people who seek an alternative to surgical procedures such as liposuction.

Rejuvenecimiento de la piel

Suitable for all skin types, safe, with limited downtime, Viora’s skin resurfacing procedure promotes the formation of new skin cells to give the skin a tighter, smooth and more youthful appearance.


¡La piel suave y sin vello está a solo unos tratamientos de distancia! ¿Está cansado de depilarse, depilarse y depilarse? ¿Sueñas con el día en que no necesites usar una maquinilla de afeitar? ¡Vidalift tiene la solución!

Remoción de vello (IPL)

Hair-free, smooth skin is just a few treatments away! If you have grown tired of plucking, tweezing, waxing, and using razors, then we have a solution for you!